Waypoint; The point or place on a line of travel at which a course is changed.
For centuries, navigators have explored our oceans and discovered new lands, in doing so they have drawn lines on maps to indicate the course or direction of travel. The point at which the course changes direction is a ‘waypoint’. On these voyages of discovery, little information existed about what lies beyond the horizon. In many ways our lives are voyages of discovery and the waypoints determine our life voyage and ultimate destination.
The Mission of the Alma Doepel is to support our life voyages. In the belief that our life course is determined through experiences or decisions which consciously or unconsciously change the course of our lives. These decisions are a waypoints.
In the tradition of the ancient mariners, the Alma Doepel programs draw from the ocean and the medium of traditional Tall Ship Sailing can provide the conditions and environment in which life changing experiences can occur. Tall Ship Sailing provides participants with the opportunity to learn about themselves, leadership, teamwork, resilience and provides an immersive experience which can develop passion, empathy and life skills. – elements that are pivotal in any change in life course… or Waypoint.
This is truly a rare learning experience…